Marriage Killers
Marriage Killers list
- Overcommitment and physical exhaustion
- Role of family
- Being selfish about only your needs and not your partner's is one of the biggest killers in a marriage
- Lack of sex , or pleasurable sex destroys a marriage
- Lack of Communication
- Over Familiarity
- criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt
- Alcohol or substance abuse
- lack of love
- lack of trust
- Selfish thoughts
- Laziness
- Doubt
- Lack of trust kills marriage
- Lack of mutual respect
- Unforgiveness kills marriage
- Arguments
- Keeping secrets from your spouse
- lies easily destroy a marriage
- Spending less or little time with your spouse
- Too much independence thought destroys marriage
- Exposing your spouse's shortcomings to your parents or siblings
- Uncontrolled or hot temperament
- Not understanding your role and position in marriage
Marriage Killers - Killers of Marriage
Marriage killers : These are the worst and the biggest marriage killers who destroyed our happy,healthy and successful marriage life.the most common marriage killers are as follow
Overcommitment and physical exhaustion
Over commitment and physical exhaustion is the main factor of a marriage killers. Never let this factor come in your marriage life. Every couple should not let Over commitment and physical exhaustion dominate your marriage relationship. If you do, you will be able to save your marriage life from this These killers.
Role of family
Sometimes it enters into our marriage relations in the form of killers family role. As a result of which feelings of bitterness, abusive language, fighting, disrespect, etc. start developing in marriage relations.Negative thoughts start coming in the members of the family and there is a difference of opinion with the couples, then these killers dominates the marriage relationship and gradually starts ruining the marriage relationship.These are wrost Marriage killers and how to avoid them by the family members It is very important to have positive thoughts in between. If there are positive thoughts among the family members, then these killers will never be able to attack the marriage relations.
Being selfish about only your needs and not your partner's
When any couple is selfish only about their own needs in the marriage relationship and not that of their partner, then in this situation a These killers are born between the couple and starts ruining the marriage relationship. If you want to save your marriage relationship from evil, then the couple should never allow feelings of selfishness to arise in their marriage relationship and take care of each other's needs.
Lack of s*x , or pleasurable s*x destroys a marriage
When there is a lack of s*x in the marriage relationship and the desire for pleasurable s*x destroys the marriage relationship. marriage couples should pay special attention to this, if marriage relations are to be saved, then do not let there be lack of s*x between each other and do not force your partner to fulfill pleasurable s*x.
Lack of Communication
When there is a lack of communication between couples in a marriage relationship, then in such a situation,These killers take birth in the form of lack of communication. And these marriage killers create distance between couples due to which there is lack of communication between both of them.The result of which is that the trust and confidence between the two partners starts to end. So if you have to avoid these killers then never let the lack of communication between your partner to save your marriage.
Criticism is a part marriage killers that ruins marriages. All couples have differences and arguments and criticize each other in it. But if criticizing becomes a habit, then there is a danger to the marriage relationship. So all couples should not criticize each other in their marriage relationship.
more than familiar
It is the most common killers and is present in every marriage that is not doing well. It is present even when the couple thinks, "Everything is fine."It starts out very small and subtle, and goes unnoticed. However it is easy to identify by analyzing how you treat each other in your marriage. These killers can single-handedly divorce a couple and often does.More familiarity means taking each other for granted.This usually happens when both individuals slowly start treating each other like siblings, or worse. Perhaps they expect their spouse to be out of "their space," yet without hesitation sneaks in between them; With criticisms or sarcastic remarks. Or their speech and behavior becomes rude and disrespectful, yet they feel hurt when they are treated that way. You may act as if you have the right to judge, criticize, and scold your spouse, or they do the same.The easiest way to identify this sadistic killer is to compare how you behaved when you and your spouse were courting and how you behave now. You were probably respected, admired, nice, and had some element of independence and privacy. If there's a difference in your current relationship, you've become more familiar.
Defensiveness is a kind of marriage killers, a weapon used in marriage conflicts that a couple uses against their partner. Defensiveness is the way a couple blames and insults each other. Using defensiveness is a type of counter-attack to avoid blame.
Stonewalling is a part of marriage killers which is a behavior by a couple towards each other in the event of an argument, in which the medium of communication is closed and the couple does not answer any questions to their partner. , keeps silence and refuses to answer any questions. In stonewalling, the listener does not talk, just remains silent. When this type of situation occurs between a couple, it is known as stonewalling. The killers of marriage starts ruining marriage relations. If you want to save your marriage life from this killer, then in any case, maintain a medium of strong communication with your partner as much as possible to solve your problems by talking to each other.
Contempt is a marriage killers which destroys the marriage relationship once it is born in the marriage relationship of a couple. In marriage relations, when the couple becomes responsible for humiliating and humiliating each other,These killers becomes active and as a result starts destroying the marriage relationship. In general, contempt is the most important indicator of divorce. If you want to make your partner sweet, healthy and happy, then never treat your partner with contempt.
Alcohol or substance abuse
Alcohol or drug substance abuse not only ruins marriage relations but ruins all kinds of relationships. Alcohol or drug abuse is a kind marriage killers that badly damages and ruins marriage relations. Never let this killer come in between your marriage relations.
lack of love
When there is a lack of love between the couples in the marriage relationship, then in this situation the killers of marriage in the form of lack of love takes birth and destroys the marriage relationship.due to Lack of love between the couples Respect, trust and love almost end in marriage relationship,and bitterness arises in the relationship, as a result of which the couple is ready to break the marriage. Therefore, to make your marriage relationship successful, happy and healthy, never let there be a lack of love towards your your marriage relationship from These killers.
lack of trust
When there is a lack of trust between couples in a marriage relationship, then the killers of marriage in the form of lack of trust takes birth and starts ruining the marriage relationship. Do not let this happen so that they can make their marriage life happy, healthy and successful.
Selfish thoughts
When couples think about fulfilling their own needs and do not think about their partner. In this situation, the killers of marriage in the form of selfish thoughts is born and starts destroying the marriage relationship. Under selfish thoughts, the couple only fulfills their own needs and does not think about their partner. Because of which bitterness starts to arise in the marriage relationship, the feeling of trust decreases and along with it the feeling of respect also decreases, as a result of which the marriage relationship starts getting destroyed gradually. Do not bring selfish thoughts in your mind and make your marriage successful.
Laziness is such a factor that destroys any marriage relationship. When a couple suffers from laziness in a marriage relationship, then the killers of marriage in the form of laziness takes birth and starts destroying the marriage relationship completely. To make your marriage relationship successful, give up laziness from your life and always be energetic so that you can save your marriage relationship from These killers.
Suspicion is the main reason for all the marriage relations that are ending at present. When the These killers in the form of doubt takes birth between couples, the marriage relationship ends forever. In marriage relations, if a feeling of doubt begins to arise between couples, then the feeling of trust, respect and love in the relationship ends, as a result of which bitterness arises in the marriage relationship. If you want to make your marriage relationship healthy and successful do not let the feeling of Doubt arise and save your marriage from wrost marriage killers.
Lack of mutual respect
In marriage relations, when couples do not have a sense of mutual respect for each other, then the These killers in the form of lack of mutual respect takes birth and destroys marriage relations. If you want to save your marriage from marriages killers and keep your marriage relations successful, then always have a sense of respect between the partner, never insult your partner. If you respect your partner then the feeling of love will develop between both of us.
When a couple does not forgive each other for any dispute in a marriage relationship, then the Unforgiveness marriage killers takes birth and slowly starts destroying the marriage relationship. If you want your marriage relationship to be healthy and successful, then in case of any dispute, have the feeling of forgiving your partner. No person in the world is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. If your partner has made a mistake, then he must be forgiven and given a chance to rectify the mistake. If you do this, then the unforgiving killers will never take birth in your marriage relationship and your marriage relationship will always be sweet.
In marriage relations, petty arguments keep arising between the couples. But when the debate generated in a dispute takes a formidable form, then it is certain that the marriage killers in the form of debate is born. This killers starts slowly ruining the relationship by mixing in the relationship of couples in the form of arguments and creates situations of humiliation, disdain, unforgiveness, fighting etc. between couples. And the result of which is That bitterness starts to arise in of marriage relations and the relationship gradually reaches the verge of ending. If you want to make your of marriage relationship sweet, healthy and successful, then instead of arguing with your partner, emphasize on how to solve that problem. If you do this then your marriage life will be successful.
Keeping secrets from your spouse
It is often seen that in marriage relations, couples keep some or the other secret from their partner. But they do not know that what has been kept hidden will come to the fore sooner or later. When this secret comes in front of their partner He becomes very unhappy and suffers from miseries in his of marriage relationship. Therefore, do not hide any kind of secrets from your partner in of marriage relations. If there has been any such mistake in the past by any partner, which you think will affect the of marriage relations, then you should look at the present. Tell all those secrets to your partner, your partner will understand you and will always support you.of marriage relationship always rests on trust and to maintain this trust there should never be any secret between marriage couples.
lies easily destroy a marriage
Marriage relation rests on trust and trust and if there is no trust and trust in any relationship, then that relationship is of no use. Lies are one factor that can destroy any relationship. If someone also lies to his partner, then this behavior is condemnable. As you know that the truth comes out sometime or the other and the day the truth comes out, you must have fallen in the eyes of your partner. By lying to each other in a marriage relationship, mutual respect and love gradually starts to end. Lies are one of the factors that destroy trust and confidence in a marriage relationship. That's why if you want to make your marriage relationship successful, never ever resort to lies in your relationship.
Spending less or little time with your spouse
When we spend less time with our life partner, then distance starts to arise in the of marriage relationship, as a result of which a of marriage killers are born and these killers gradually destroys the behavioral relationship. Spending less time with the life partner increases the distance in the relationship, reduces communication, reduces mutual understanding, reduces the sense of mutual respect and gradually leads to the end of the relationship. Therefore, if you want to make your of marriage relationship successful, then spend more and more time with your life partner. If u spend more time with your life partner, love, trust, mutual respect, mutual understanding etc. will increase between both of us.
Too much independence thought destroys marriage
Excessive freedom of thought destroys marriage.When the couple starts having very independent thoughts in the marriage relationship, then they start destroying their of marriage relationship with their own hands. At present, among couples, highly independent thoughts have started arising mostly through social media and these highly independent thoughts have started dominating marriage relations.
Exposing your spouse's shortcomings to your parents or siblings
In of marriage relations, when we expose the shortcomings of our life partner to our parents or siblings, then we are weakening our relationship. No person is perfect in the world, everyone has some or the other shortcomings. In of marriage relations, exposing the shortcomings of our life partner in front of everyone damages the self-esteem of the partner and we fall in the eyes of our partner. After getting marriage, we should adopt our life partner in the form in which we have received it. If there are any shortcomings in your life partner, then try to remove those shortcomings yourself. By doing this, your relationship will be stronger.
Uncontrolled or hot temperament
Any action or decision taken in the state of anger is always wrong. That's why do not let anger dominate you. If you become uncontrolled or hot-tempered in the situation of anger, then it can have a very bad effect on the relationship. Therefore, try to keep yourself calm in the situation of anger as far as possible. Excessive uncontrolled or hot temper adversely affects marriage relations. In state of anger keep yourself calm. It is also necessary for couples to have fear of anger towards each other in marriage relations, but in a limited amount. Excessive and uncontrolled anger or hot temper destroys marriage relations.
Not understanding your role and position in marriage
Husband and wife have their own role and status in of marriage relations. When husband and wife do not understand their role and status in marriage life, then they destroy their of marriage relationship with their own hands. So if you want to make your marriage life successful, healthy and happy, then understand your role and position and perform your duties and responsibilities with confidence.
Killers of Marriage - Marriage Killers :-
If your relationship is riddled with these marriage killers issues, please don't panic,there is hope. Take responsibility, change and work together to improve now. As I explained, with work and investment in overcoming these challenges, marriages can get better and better.
The most important step in solving all your marriage problems is to understand the killers, so that you can spot them as soon as they appear. You cannot afford to let them spoil and bring down your marriage and family happiness.
The best thing you can do when your marriage starts falling apart is to better understand what marriage is all about. study it. Learn what marriage can give you when arranged correctly, learn what obstacles you will face and how to overcome them. Don't give up just because it seems hard at the moment. Learn first, then apply your knowledge to make your wedding a great one.
Rajendra thakur