Good Parenting Tips & Child Care
- Parenting tips for parents.
- Child care tips for parents.
- Effective parenting.
- How parents take care of their child.
- 5 parenting skills.
- Parenting styles.
- Positive parenting tips.
- Good parenting.
- Good child care.
Good Parenting tips and Child care tips for their child's development
Through this article all the parents will get the following important information like - "Good Parenting Tips | Child Care Tips",What is Good Parenting and Child Care? ,What is good parenting tips and child care tips? , I am presenting detailed information on all these topics and hope that this important information on Good Parenting and Child Care will be useful for you.
Importance of good parenting and child care
"Children don't learn what you say, they learn what you do"For most parents, parenting simply means taking care of the food, clothing, and daily needs of their children. In this way they are freed from their responsibility but are they able to inculcate good habits and values in their children so that they can become independent and responsible. Often parents are worried about how we should raise our children, so i tell you some ways that will help you to find out the answers of folowing question related to parenting such as:How parents take care of their child?.How to take care of children?.Child care tips & Parenting tips for new parents.
- Good ,effective and positive parenting help children do better in school, have fewer behavioral problems, and stronger mental health.
- Positive & Good parenting is more important than a good school to the academic success of a child.
- It promotes emotional stability and a sense of self-control.
- Good & Positive parenting helps to develop stronger parent-child relationships.
- Young children who grow with a secure and healthy attachment to their parents stand a better chance of developing happy and content relationships with others in their life.
- Effective parenting & positive parenting helps children develop their logical expression and have the responsibility to become more aware with their thoughts and actions.
- Parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness
Advantages and benefit of parenting
- Parenting Improve self confidence and self esteem in your child.
- Parenting Promote and support more effective communication.
- Parenting Improve Healthy Habits.
- Support and promote Communication between parents and child will make our child be open minded, secure, and friendly.
- Parenting Determines how the Child Develops.
- Improve and support Comforting physical touch of parent like hug.patting etc to their children feel secure and safe.
- Parenting helps the child show positive and confident social behaviors.
- Parenting helps to develop your child’s brain to its maximum potentia
- Parenting helps to develop a better bond with our children.
- By good parenting Child Becomes Resilient.
- Parenting helps to promote emotional intelligencein kids.
- Parenting promote and support Fosters Cultural Tolerance.
- Parenting Establishes responsibility in your child.
- Parenting helps to boost self confidence in your child.
- Promotes and supports Emotional Regulation.
- Setting proper boundaries help in developing accounttability and responsibility.
- Support and Promotes love and affection in your child.
- Improve and support Happiness and Self-esteem.
- Parenting Optimum brain development.
- Parenting helps to reduce negative behaviour.
- Parenting promote and support Models a pleasant and positive attitude for your child.
- Parenting helps kids and children to be treated uniquely.
- Parenting helps to improve patience,perseverance and empathy.
- Parenting Protects children’s mental health and wellbeing.
- Parenting promote Maximum development of cognitive functions.
- Parenting helps to let go of ego and improve problem solving skill.
- Increases your child’s work ethic and initiative.
- Parenting Positively impacts children’s development.
- Parenting teaches self regulation.
- Parenting promote and support Reciprocal care and loving nature towards parents.
- Parenting promote and support your child will be emotionally healthy.
- Gives and increase your child confidence.
- Parenting boost,Fosters and increase your child self-confidence.
- Parenting teaches forgiveness.
- Parenting Teaches children accountability and responsibility.
- Parenting Build a strong bond between you and your child.
- Parenting helps to work on ourselves.
- Parenting Raising a responsible and concerned child.
- Parenting support and Provides emotional safety for children.
- parenting builds healthier relationships between parents and children.
- parenting sets a good model for children to follow.
- Parenting Decreases children’s externalising behaviours.
- Parenting Raising an affable and pleasing personality.
- Parenting is based on the idea that there are no bad children, just good or bad behaviors.
- Parenting helps in becoming a highly productive and successful person both in academics and professional life.
- Parenting helps to Encourage your child to trust you.
- Parenting improves stronger parent and child relationship .
- Parenting helps and supports effective communication.
- Parenting helps in reduce negative bahaviour.
- Parenting style improve child self confidence of a child.
- parenting style improve self - esteem of a child.
- Parenting style support and improve healthy growth and development of a child.
- parenting style support and improve the physical and emotional development of a child.
- Parenting style support and improve the social and spiritual development of child.
- Parenting style support and improve the intellectual development of a child.
Good Parenting Tips,Child Care Tips,Positive Parenting Tips,Effective Parenting Tips
Good,possitive & effective parenting tips for parents. Every parent wants to raise and take care of their child well and in a better way. Some parents succeed in raising and taking care of their children well and some fail.Effective parenting tips,Good parenting tips, child care tips and also Parenting styles play an important role in child's development .If every parent will follow these parenting tips and child care tips and parenting styles for the right and better upbringing of their children for development of the children.Through these useful effective parenting tips to raise their children properly and in a better way.
1. Spend Quality Time With your child
"Spend Quality Time With your child" is the important factor of the good parenting tips and child care tips.accordibg to this factor, problem with working parents is that they do not have time to spend with their children. Such parents keep their weekends for their children. And even on normal days pay attention to their activities, what they do, who their friends are etc.comes under their positive and effective parenting styles.
2. Be Friendly With your child
If all parents try their best for good parenting and child care of their children then follow this useful tip of "Be friendly with your child"Now is not the time when what the parents said is right. Now the times have changed, children have become vocal. They have their own point of view. What parents have to do is to be friends with children, not like bosses or Hitlers. This approach of yours will bring children closer to you. they will be able to talk to you freely
3. Make yourself self-reliant
Let them make their own small decisions from childhood itself. Like they have to go to dance class or gym. Then when they are older they will find it easier to take the subject. In this way, decision making ability will be developed in the children and they will be able to face the challenges in future.if you make yourself self-reliant then you will do good parenting and child care for your child.
4. Don't be stubborn
The children of the parents who fulfill every demand of the children become stubborn. If the children insist unnecessarily which cannot be fulfilled, then lovingly explain to them that their demand is not justified.if you want to do good parenting and child care in your parenting styles please Don't be stubborn.
5. Hit the wrong things
With increasing age, bullying of children also increases. For example, beating, abusing, not obeying elders etc. Such mistakes should be stopped from childhood so that you do not have to repent later.hit the wrong things is not good for good parenting and child care.
6. Don't impose your own expectations
In your good parenting styles for good child care and good parenting Don't impose your own expectations. Some over ambitious parents tend to impose their expectations on their children. Due to which children become stressed and their natural development is not possible. Parents should not do this because the child has brought his own merits with him. Let it grow naturally.
7. Do not use abusive language in front of children
For better and good child care In your parenting styles never use abusive language in front of children.Children are of delicate mind. They will learn as the elders behave in front of them. First of all, control your own language. Choose words wisely. Talk to each other as 'you'. Gradually this thing will come in the speech of the child.
8. Encouragement to help others:
Always encourage children to help others. Whether he is old, weak, children, poor or hungry. These are the people of the society who need the help of the people. By helping them, children develop a feeling of help towards people,
9. Tendency to learn:
Always motivate children to learn new things etc. For this, give them a chance so that they can solve problems on their own and do not get upset for small things
10. Being accountable:
Support the children to the point that they do not hesitate to answer what they have written, what they have done, that is, they can answer that question without any hesitation. This is the best way to do a Good Parenting Guidance and motivate them to do so that they are happy and get praise from parents and teachers.
11. Role of Guiding:
Give opportunity to children that they can help others and can also guide others, it does not matter whether it is a small effort or a big one
12.Keep an eye on the child's behavior -
Focus at Your Child's Behavior.: When the child starts living alone and stops jumping and playing with his friends, then something bad may have happened to the child. So talk to him openly about it. Changes in the behavior of children can also be a sign of some kind of abuse happening to them. Wherein when the child's appetite dies or he starts eating more than before, it is also a sign of concern. Apart from this, it is also a matter of concern for the child to always be scared or to lose his confidence in himself.
13.Talk Openly – Talk Openly.
Talk openly with children on all subjects. Ask them about activities at school. Also ask the child about the child's friends and teachers. Tell children openly about all the parts of his body. Inform children about “Good Touch” and “Bad Touch”. Tell them that there are some private parts of the body that no one can touch. This gives them the correct knowledge of "Good Touch" and "Bad Touch".
14.Visit School Regularly –
Visit School : Your responsibility does not end after sending children to school, but increases more after that. You must visit your child's school every week or twice a month. Going to school should not only meet the teachers but also meet your child's friends and other children studying with him and understand their behavior. Also, pay attention to the school environment and the activities there. See if your child is not scared of anyone. If so, talk to your child openly.
15.Faith in God - Teach children gratitude and prayer
This sanskar should be inculcated in your child that he should have faith in God. Having faith in God gives motivation to do the right thing. Assure him that God sees everything, we should do good deeds.
16.Don't scold or hit
In adolescence, a kind of rebellion automatically comes in the nature of children. So if children make any mistake in teenage, do not scold or hit them. At this age, scolding and hitting have a bad effect on the mentality of the child. If such a situation arises, always try to explain to them with love and keep your anger calm. Sometimes your showing anger at the wrong time or in the wrong place can also increase dissatisfaction in the mind of the child, so wait for the right time to explain to the children.
17.Give Some Freedom
For better and good parenting and child care "Give Some Freedom"to your child .Freedom does not mean at all that you let them do whatever they want to do. But yes, if the child wants to do some experiment or do something constructive, then you should give him some freedom. Apart from this, at this age, children should talk openly about their friends, girlfriends etc., so that they keep telling you their point of view. If you scold or rebuke them for these things, they will start lying to you. If parents are free-thinking, then children start considering them as their friends.
18.Spend Some Time Together with your children.
Spend time togather with your children is the most important factor of good parenting and child care.In adolescence, the relationship between children and parents deteriorates because both do not give time to each other, due to which the distance between them increases. Children in adolescence have their own struggles, which parents cannot share, but talking to them about it can reduce their anxiety and confusion. Often at this age children start getting serious about studies, career, relationship, friendship etc. If parents spend some time every day with their children and give them the right guidance, then soon the children will start telling all their problems to the parents.
19.Listen your child Problems
Listen your child Problems is very useful and important tips of good parenting and child care. Teenage children often do not agree with the words and decisions of the parents, so parents stop listening to them or scold them and silence them. But in order to win the trust of children, it is important that you listen to their problems and then lovingly explain the decision that you feel is right. If you do not allow the child to speak or scolded and silenced, the children will do wrong things behind your back or break your trust by lying. Therefore, the best way to make children friendly is that you always pay attention to their words and at least get in the mood to give lectures.
20. Win your Children's Confidence
Parents who do not win the trust of their children, their children either share most of their problems with friends or try to find solutions on their own, in which many times they make mistakes. Parents should maintain such a relationship with their child, so that the child is not afraid or hesitant to tell anything to them. With this, the children will not be afraid to tell the things hidden in the depths of their hearts to the parents.If any parent doesn't know how to increase self confidence and self esteem in their children. please don't delay and get complete information right now that How to increase self confidence and self esteem in children
21. Keep your eyes on the use of the Internet
The Internet is huge and dangerous too, so whenever your child uses the Internet, you should keep a close watch on it. During the use of the Internet, even if the child searches the websites, downloads any application in the mobile phone, chats or watches any video etc., but you have not run away from the responsibility.
22.Teach the child to respect elders
In effective parenting and positive parenting every parents teach children to respect and respect elders in the upbringing of their children. But, have you ever thought that we taught the child to respect the elders, but did the elders learn to respect the child? Maybe not. Often we forget that love is given for love and respect is given for respect. Giving respect is not a matter of age but a matter of mutual harmony. Sometimes when elders misbehave with children, a kind of irritation arises in them. Due to which the child goes on becoming negative. Then when he stops respecting the elders, then we feel that the child is deteriorating, the upbringing of the children is bad. While we ourselves are the reason for that. First you respect the child, then he will learn to respect himself. Parents need to change this way of raising children.
23.Listen your children carefully
Children are not heard in many homes. They are just ordered. For better upbringing of children, it is very important that children's point of view and their mind should be well understood. Not only should they be heard calmly, but their point of view should also be given importance.
24. Be a role model for children
If parents keep ahead in their expectations from their children and keep many kinds of shortcomings in themselves, then it has an adverse effect on the children. Parents be role models for their children. Especially those things which they expect from their children, must adopt them in their own life. They watch you and learn from you.
25.Keep Together at Work
It is important for parents to inculcate the habit of working in their children, while inculcating in them the quality of being social. Put the responsibility of small household chores on them. So that they learn to cooperate and make decisions. Similarly send them outside to play. Take in friends and relatives so that he becomes social.
26. Do not use abusive language in front of children
Children are of delicate mind. They will learn as the elders behave in front of them. First of all, control your own language. Choose words wisely. Talk to each other as 'you'. Gradually this thing will come in the speech of the child
27. Do not watch too much TV and mobile
TV and mobile is like a bad habit, which people are always bothered to leave. Do not let the child watch too much TV and mobile, because children get lost in TV programs and mobiles that they sit in front of the TV for hours and spend their time in mobile, due to which their mental development is not possible. Instead of TV, use children and other creative work so that they can develop intellectually.
28. Let children Do Their Own Work
If children want to develop self-confidence and the habit of making decisions, then make sure that they let them do their own work. Apart from this, take help from the child in small household chores and encourage their work. This will instill confidence in them and give them the right understanding about things.if you want to do good child care and good parenting, please make sure that Let your children Do Their Own Work.
Children don't learn what you say, they learn what you do"
What is good parenting
- In the process of nurturing a good parenting, the mental development of the children takes place, and the growth mindset is developed in the children.
- Develops strategies to identify and develop potential.
- A good parenting process focuses on a system of encouragement over praise, a system of consequences over punishment, and a system of cooperation over obedience.
- A good parenting "Give And Take" emphasizes the principle of "Give And Take".The principle of "Give And Take states that without giving anything to the child, he can help in the house or household chores.
- A good parenting is done taking into account the age, birth order, personality and gender differences of the children.
- A good parenting is not the same in scope, size and range of nutrition for all children.
- A good parenting style or method Or type is an authoritative style or method that is a balance of firmness, control, independence and nurturing.As a result, children develop qualities of academic success, mental health, well-being and socialization.
- When any family is of guided democracy or mild dictatorship type, the upbringing in those families is very good because in this type of family the parents who act as the head of a family.
- A good parenting is a broad concept that covers many aspects of your and your child's life at once.
- A good parenting is a set of actions and interactions a parent has with their child.
- A good parenting is conducted with the objective and ultimate goals in mind.
- The main objective of a good parenting is to develop in children important and useful traits related to character such as independence, self-direction, honesty, self-control, kindness and cooperation.
- Good parenting forms the foundation for a positive development of a child's health, independence and control..
- A good positive parenting develops a strong, deeply committed relationship between parent and child based on communication and mutual respect.
- A good positive parenting focuses on teaching children not only the what but the why.
- Positive parenting means training children towards self-esteem, self-control & independence.
- A good parenting right means that we can provide our children with a stable nurturing environment, where our child can develop physically, emotionally, culturally, morally, mentally, spiritually and spiritually.
Parenting Styles
- Authoritarian Parenting style.
- Authoritative Parenting style.
- Permissive Parenting style.
- Uninvolved Parenting style.
1.Authoritarian parenting style
Characterstic of an authoritarian parenting style
- In an authoritarian parenting style, an authoritarian parent does not give any choices to children.
- In an authoritarian parenting style, an authoritarian parent never supports their children and never appreciates the child's achievements.
- High demand and low response.
- The authoritarian parenting style has very high expectations of for children.
- Punishment is also common with authoritarian style.
- Authoritarian parents often seem cold, aloof, and rigid with this style.
- The authoritarian parenting style is demanding, but not responsive.
- There is little warmth or nurturing in the authoritarian parenting style.
- There is little explanation for punishment in the authoritarian parenting style.
- Authoritarian parents give few choices for children.
- In an authoritarian parenting style, an authoritarian parent always expects their children to know better than to engage in undesirable behaviors.
- Authoritarian parenting style has very strict rules for children.
- Authoritarian parents do not trust their children to make good choices.
- Authoritarian parents can be overly critical and ask "Why do you always do this?" One can use shyness as a strategy to force children to follow the rules, using phrases such as, "How many times do I have to tell you the same thing over and over?," or " Why can't you do anything better and right?".
Advantages/benefit of authoritarian parenting style
- Children develop a desire to do things the right way in this parenting style
- Children know what it takes to reach their goals in this parenting style
- Parents raise more responsible children in this parenting style
- Behave intimidating or overly shy around others in this parenting style
- Combine obedience and success with love in this parenting style
Disadvantages of an authoritarian parenting style
- Result in low self-esteem in children.
- Difficulty in social situations due to lack of social abilities in this parenting style.
- In an authoritarian parenting style
- Children may display aggressive behavior outside the home.
- Children cannot accept failure.
- Children are always suffers from anxiety.
- Children are always more aggressive behavior towards others.
- Have more negative symptoms such as hyper activity & conduct problems.
- Struggle with self-control as they are rarely able to make choices and experience natural consequences.
- lack of self-discipline in children
- highly insecure behaviour in children in this parenting style
- lack of creativity in children .
- Children can't accept failure.
- Behavioral problems in children.
- children become enmity
- Poor academic performance In school in this parenting style
- Mostly children are always suffer from depression and obesity.
2.Authoritative parenting style
Characterstic of authoritative parenting Style
- In an authoritative parenting style, the parents are nurturing, responsive, and supportive for their children.
- In an authoritative parenting Style, an authoritative parents express love to their children.
- In authoritative parenting style in which
- resistance to rules is sorted out through discussion.
- An authoritative Parents always Encourage the children to think and live independently.
- An authoritative parents always attempt to control their children's behavior by explaining rules, discussing, and reasoning.
- In an authoritative parenting Style, an authoritative parents always deal with needs and desires Of their children’s .
- An Authoritative parent always provide love, warmth, and support Instead of punishment and have reasonable expectations on their children.
- An Authoritative parent always listen their children's viewpoint but they don't always accept it.
Advantages of authoritative parenting Style
- An authoritative parenting Style has Secure attachment with child.
- In authoritative parenting style an authoritative parents are good nurturer and listener.
- In authoritative parenting style has better coping skills.
- In authoritative parenting style, children have higher academic performance in school.
- In authoritative parenting style, children have Good behavior all around.
- In authoritative parenting style, children have Open-minded.
Disadvantages of authoritative parenting Style
- Authoritative parenting style has Low self-esteem.
- Authoritative parenting style has Encourage children to rebel abd children turning into a rebel.
- In authoritative parenting style extremely confusing and annoying the children. authoritative parenting style has lack of leadership qualities.
3.Permissive parenting style
Characterstic of permissive parenting style
- In permissive parenting style, Permissive parents are always very nurturing and loving towards their kids.
- Permissive parents are always ask their children's opinions on major decisions.
- Permissive parents are always emphasize their children's freedom rather than responsibility.
- In permissive parenting style,have few rules or standards of behavior, and rules are inconsistent.
- Permissive parents are always may use bribery such as toys, gifts, and food as a means to get a child to behave.
- In permissive parenting style,Permissive parents often seem more like a friend,instead of a parent.
- Permissive parenting style Provide little in the way of a schedule or structure.
- Permissive parenting style ,rarely enforce any type of consequences.
Advantages Permissive parenting style
- In permissive parenting style, Chlidren tend to be happy and confident in their abilities.
- In permissive parenting style, permissive Parents give so much freedom to their children.
- In permissive parenting style, permissive parent give so much communication to their children.
- Permissive parenting style,Boost children self esteem.
- permissive parenting style has easier to access their natural creativity.
Disadvantages of permissive parenting style
- Children lower and worse academic achievement.
- Children have lack self-discipline.
- With less guidance from parent,children also may not grow up with a realistic idea of expectations.
- Children have less empathy leading to worse social skills.
- Children Make poor decisions in this parenting style.
- Children may not have learned good communication skills or developed a strong sense of right and wrong in this parenting style.
- Permissive parenting style,possess poor social skills
- In permissive parenting style children show more impulsive and aggression and less emotional understanding.
- Children don't know how to deal with boundaries and limits once they enter school.
- In permissive parenting style,Poor self-involved and demanding.
- In permissive parenting style children are always Unable to manage their time or habits.
- In permissive parenting style children are always feel insecure due to the lack of boundaries and guidance.
- In permissive parenting style children are always less able to self-regulate.
- In permissive parenting style most children adopt bad habits such as delinquency, substance abuse like alcohol and smoking.
- Children mostly suffer from obesity.
4.Uninvolved parenting Style
Characterstic Uninvolved parenting Style
- Uninvolved parenting Style always focus on children's own problems and desires.
- In uninvolved parenting Style has lack of interest in children’s activities.
- Uninvolved Parents do not set rules or expectations for their children behavior.
- Uninvolved Parents always act emotionally distant from their children.
- In uninvolved parenting Style has Lack of love and affection toward children.
- uninvolved parents never spending time with their children.
- This parenting style appearing cold and distant.
- Uninvolved parenting Style has low and Little to no demands or low expectations of children’s behavior.
- In this parenting style failing to give consequences for bad behavior.
- In this parenting style failing to give praise or reinforcement for good behavior.
- Uninvolved parents do not considering children’s opinions when making decisions.
- Uninvolved parents Providing little guidance to children.
- Uninvolved parents do not interact with their children in this oarenting style because they are preoccupied with their own tasks.
- Uninvolved parents do not guve any advice or supervision of any task.
- Uninvolved parents do not have any expectations or demands for their children's behavior.
- In uninvolved parenting Style, absence warmth, love, and affection of uninvolved parents towards their children.
Advantages of Uninvolved parenting Style
- Uninvolved parenting makes a kid more self-reliant and better decision makers in future.
- Uninvolved parenting style,Uninvolved parents will make their children better able to face different challenges in life.
Disadvantages of Uninvolved parenting Style
- In this parenting style children do not develop an emotional connection with their uninvolved parent.
- Uninvolved parenting Style has lack of affection and attention.
- Children have low self esteem.
- Children have low and poor social skills.
- In uninvolved parenting Style,uninvolved parents rarely communicate or engage their children.
- Children have lower and worse academic achievement.
- Children have lack coping skills.
- Children are suffer from homesickness.
- uninvolved Parents have poor relationship with their own children.
- Children become anxious because of the lack of family support.
- In this parenting style children are not Emotionally not involved involved with their
- uninvolved Parents.
- Children have lot of fear for depending on someone.
- In this parenting style children may higher risk of substance abuse.
Q.1.What are the factors affecting parenting?
ANS.Following are the main factors affecting the Parenting
- age of parents,
- gender identity,
- parents personality,
- development history,
- parental trust,
- Parenting knowledge about parenting and child development
- Mental and physical health.
Q.2.How does good parenting affect a child?
ANS. A good parenting affects children in the following ways- Also helps in reducing the behavioral problems of children completely
- Helps to strengthen children's mental health too
- Helps to perform better in school
- Also helps in increasing self-confidence and self-esteem in children
- Also helps in the all round development of children
Q.3.What are examples of good parenting? / What are some good parenting tips?
ANS.examples of good parenting tips are as follow:
- raising a child's self-esteem
- Increase children's self confidence
- raising children's self-esteem
- setting limits for children
- disciplining children
- making time for kids
- be a good role model for children
- effective communication between children
- love children selflessly
Q.4.What defines good parenting?
ANS.A good parenting is a process that includes the development of the child, the age of the child, consistency, routine and discipline, which develops a sense of discipline, independence and control in the child.
Q.5.What is the purpose of parenting?
ANS:Following are the main objectives of parenting
- children's health
- children's development
- child safety
- To prepare children to be good adults in future
- To inculcate cultural values in children
Q.6.What are parenting skills?
ANS.Following are 5 good and effective parenting skills
- To increase self confidence and self esteem in children
- be always accountable to children
- setting an example for children
- setting boundaries for children
- always interactive with children
Q.7.What are the 4 Main Parenting styles / Skills?
ANS.There are four main types of parenting skills
- Authoritarian parenting style.
- Authoritative Parenting style.
- Permissive Parenting style.
- Uninvolved Parenting style.
Q.8.What is effective Parenting?
ANS.Effective parenting is a process that emphasizes the ability to interact and engage directly with children.Which he can learn easily and become a better adult in future
Q.9.What is the main goal of parenting?
ANS.Following are the main goals of Parenting :
- children's development
- children's health
- child safety
Q.10.How do you
learn Parenting skills?
ANS.Following are the steps to learn printing skills
- communication skills with children
- Determining the Structure and Rule of Parenting Skills
- Giving Instruction Under Parenting Skills
- Discipline and using consequences properly
- focus on time management
Q.11.Why is it important to learn parenting skills?
ANS:Learning Parenting skills is very important because learning parenting skills brings the following benefits:- The parent-child relationship has a major impact on all aspects of a child's development in the parenting skills process. Parenting skills and behavior contribute significantly to the development of children.
- Children develop a sense of self-esteem. Children get achievement of better performance in school. Children have cognitive development.
- It has a positive effect on children's behavior.
Q.12What is the best part of parenting?
ANS.Following is the best part or part of Parenting
- encouragement as a parent
- Seeing things from a new perspective of travelers
- selfless love
- to find constant happiness in a state of wonder
- raising children to a respectable position
- baby laughing sound
- appreciation of parents
- Understanding the importance and values of a new life
- the joy of learning together
Q.13.Why is good parenting important?
ANS.A good parenting or parenting positively helps in developing the relationship between the parent and the child. Helps to understand the behaviors between the parent and the child. This approach towards behavioral development helps the children and the mother. Trust grows between fathers. A good and positive parenting results in positive parent-child interactions.
Today, through this important and useful article "Good Parenting Tips | Child Care Tips" all parents learned and got information about effective parenting tips, good parenting tips and child care tips and positive parenting.we also learn & know about parenting skills,parenting styles and types of parenting styles.If we implement these effective parenting tips,good parenting tips and child care tips in parenting and child care of their children in Authoritarian Parenting style.Authoritative Parenting style.Permissive Parenting style.Uninvolved Parenting style. and i hope that all parents will follow the good parenting tips and child care tips provided by me for their child's development,positive parenting .good parenting and child care of children
Rajendra Thakur