How to be a good husband - Learn How
How to be a good husband : How to be a better husband
how to be a good husband : how to be a better husband :-Learn how,how to be a good husband and how to be a better husband because know that couples are made in heaven. God makes these pairs. It is absolutely true that couples are made in heaven, and these couples are brought together by the family. By adding a marriage relationship,when the family side of the bride and the family side of the bride join together, then both the bride and the groom get involved in the marital relationship. After getting married, husband and wife start their married life with their duties and responsibilities.After getting married,husband and wife try their best to lead a happy married life. But due to some reasons some husband and wife fail and some husband and wife also become successful. After marriage, many responsibilities of the family increase on the husband and wife. But the most important thing is how husband and wife carry out their relationship. Just as it is necessary to be a good brother, a good son and a good friend. Similarly, it is very important for you to Be A Good Husband. Just as it is the desire of a husband to have such a wife as a life partner who will respect him, respect his parents, take care of his family, take care of his children properly and wife In the same way, it is the desire of a wife too that she should get a husband who will love her very much and respect her and keep her always happy. After marriage, the strings of husband and wife are tied to each other forever. And after that they have to spend their whole life with each other. A successful and happy married life requires a lot of hard work and effort. Both husband and wife play an important role in married life and husband and wife also have to fulfill their duties and responsibilities prescribed for their relationship with full devotion.
- Cover each other's weaknesses
- Celebrate each other's strengths
- Have no topics that you cannot talk about. No judgment. Openness will open your mind to solutions
- Consider each other's opinions and contribution
- Be 100% in. Full commitment
- Make incremental progress. Seek growth, not perfection
- Develop a culture of reviewing your relationship; are we doing OK, and where can we improve?
- Accept correction, be humble
- Work on yourselves to be the best wife, the best And good husband
- Have joint goals
- Support each other in your individual goals
- Keep each other as a priority even as you have friends
- Thank God together. A thankful couple is a powerful couple
- Don't compete with each other, accommodate each other
- Bring whatever lessons or opportunities you learn out there into your marriage. Learn together
- Be patient. Some wins take time
- When you fall whether as a couple or as individuals, pick each other up
- Protect what you have built together. It is very easy to lose it fast
- Control your tempers. A lot of bad choices are made in moments of anger
- Don't copy other couples. Create your testimonies.
If you want to be a good husband always remember that never do these silly mistakes in your marrital life
- 1. Don't ignore your wife the whole day, and expect her to be warm towards you at night
- 2. Don't shout at your husband and speak to him with disrespect and a tough tone, and expect he will enjoy talking with you
- 3. Don't be so guarded with your phone and expect your partner not to be suspicious
- 4. Don't be dramatic in your demeanor and expect your partner will enjoy going out on dates with you
- 5. Don't cheat or make your partner think you are cheating and expect him/her to easily have sex with you
- 6. Don't veer away from God and expect your marriage will be exceedingly blessed
- 7. Don't judge your partner and keep reminding your partner of their wrongs and expect your partner will be confiding in you about their unpleasant truths and struggles
- 8. Don't turn down your partner's sexual advances repeatedly and expect your partner will still desire you and pursue you
- 9. Don't mistreat your partner in public and expect your partner will enjoy being around you with others
- 10. Don't be reckless with finances and expect your partner to trust you in financial decision making
- 11. Don't keep ignoring your partner's requests for you to change and think your partner will keep caring. Soon, your partner will let you be and do you, after growing tired
- 12. Don't be mean to your partner and expect your partner to see God's love through you. Do you minister to your partner in how you handle him/her especially in difficult times?
- 13. Don't keep repeating the same mistakes and think your partner will not start feeling taken for granted
- 14. Don't push away your partner and act like you don't need help and think your partner will keep forcing themselves to be there for you
- 15. Don't speak anyhow to your partner especially when angry .
Tips To Be A Good Husband : (Tips to be a better husband)
Tips to be a good husband (Tips to be a better husband) :- If you are married or going to get married in future, then it is very important for you to know and learn how to be a good husband what is the role of husband in marriage. What is the role of husband in a successful marriage. After getting married, becoming a good husband will make your married life very happy and the love between husband and wife will increase selflessly and the relationship between husband & wife will be stronger. With genuine effort, you make your marriage better by becoming a better husband and good husband .men want their wife to have all the qualities which are in an ideal wife. In the same way, every woman in the world wants that she should get a good life partner. Who should have the qualities of a good husband.
If you are a husband or are going to become a husband in the future, then how can you become a good husband, for this in today's article I will tell you how any man can become a good husband after getting married. Today I will tell you some important ways. I am telling you that by adopting you can become a good husband. Following are the tips-ways to be a good husband.
1.Always give priority to wife's relationship
Generally, all the relationships in the family like parents,brother,sister,
uncle,aunty grandparents etc. are important and special. But the relationship of husband wife is the most different, special, more deep, and close than all the family relations. Give importance to other parts of the family as well. But it is very important to always give priority to your wife's relationship. Prioritizing the relationship of the wife strengthens the relationship between husband and wife. If you want to give priority to your wife's relationship, then adopt the following methods, which will make your relationship stronger and to be a good husband.
- If are going out somewhere, then give priority to taking your wife along.
- Take of wife on priority
- Take care of wife's health on priority
- Give priority to the opinion of the wife before taking any kind of decision.
- Take care of wife's happiness too
- Make it a priority to include wife's opinion in important life decisions.
Following are the benefits of prioritizing wife's relationship
- 1. There is strength in the relationship between husband and wife.
- 2. Husband wife start giving importance to their relationship.
- 3. By giving priority to the relationship of the wife, the wife starts respecting the husband.
- 4. By giving priority to the relationship of wife, you are called a good and ideal husband.
- 5. The wife gets enough time to spend with her husband.
- 6. Wife's opinion also gets priority.
- 7. The husband takes care of the happiness of his wife.
2. always respect wife
If you want to learn & know how to be a good husband so It is very important to have respect in all family relationships, respect is very important for any relationship. The relationship in which there is a sense of respect, that relationship becomes very strong. If there is no sense of respect in a relationship, then that relationship will be equally weak. In the same way, it is very important to have respect in the relationship between husband and wife. If there is respect in the relationship of husband and wife, then they will never hurt each other, will never let each other down and will always think about the happiness of their partner above themselves.The feeling of respect makes love deeper in the relationship between husband and wife. So if you want to be a good husband then you have to respect or respect your wife. Never humiliate your wife in front of anyone, never insult your wife in front of your family nor in front of your friends. Never use abusive words with your wife. If the husband will respect his wife, then the wife will also respect the husband. Due to the feeling of respect in the relationship between husband and wife, their relationship is very strong.
The following benefits are obtained by respecting the wife
- wife also respects the husband.
- A sense of respect develops in the relationship between husband and wife.
- If there is a sense of respect in the relationship between husband and wife, then they will never hurt each other.
- Husband and wife will never let each other down.
- Husband wife will always think about each other's happiness.
- The feeling of respect makes love deeper and stronger in the relationship between husband and wife.
- The relationship between husband and wife is strong.
3. Be a good friend before becoming a husband
if you want to know how to be a better husband, be your spouse's best friend.Before becoming a good,better and ideal husband, any man should try to be a good friend of his wife before becoming a husband. If you become a friend then you will try your best to know the condition of your wife, try your best to know the thoughts of the wife, try to know the problems of the wife, then your relationship will be very strong. If you become a good friend of your wife So your wife will always share with you all things, all problems and thoughts and will always respect you. She sees him only as a husband. Every wife wants to have a good friend and ideal friend in the form of a husband with whom she can joke, have fun with her. Share your thoughts, your thoughts and your problems. So all the men who want to be a good husband should first try and learn how to be a good and ideal friend of their wife. If you do this then your relationship will become stronger.
Being a good friend has the following benefits
- You will be a good husband and ideal husband.
- You Will understand each and every problem of wife.
- You will be able to understand Wife's thinking,behavior, happiness and sorrows.
- Being a good friend strengthens the relationship between husband and wife.
- Being a good friend increases selfless love between husband and wife
- The wife finds a good and ideal friend in the form of a husband with whom she can share her happiness and sorrows without hesitation.
4. love your wife selflessly
If you will love your wife selflessly then your relationship will be stronger. As you all know that love makes any relationship strong and the relationship between husband and wife is made of only one love thread. Therefore, there should be a lot of love for each other in the relationship between husband and wife. Whenever the husband gets time, love his wife very much. Always try to make your wife feel that you love her very much. Whenever you go out for a job or to do any business, go for a hug with your wife and if possible kiss before leaving. Whenever you get time in office or business, call and ask about your wife's well being. If you make your wife feel your love in this way, then your wife will realize how important you are in her life and how special you are in her life.
The following benefits are obtained by loving the wife selflessly
- Selfless love will grow between husband and wife
- Husband wife relationship will be stronger
- There will always be a sense of honor in the relationship between husband and wife.
- Wife's relationship will get priority
- Wife will realize how important you are in her life and how special you are
5. Be a good and ideal father
If you want to be a good husband then you have to be a good and ideal father too. The duty of an ideal and good father will also have to be fulfilled. Taking care and responsibility of children is not only the duty of a mother, but it is also the duty of a father.
Mostly it has been seen that the male class leaves the entire duties and responsibilities of their children to the mother and the male class becomes independent from the responsibility of their children. And he only pays attention to the nutrition of the children. Children are always less afraid of the mother and more afraid of the father. It is a rule of law that every child is afraid of the father, and this fear is also necessary to be in the children. If a man wants to be a good husband then you have to take the responsibility of your child. One has to spend time with the children, understand the nature of the children, understand the behavior of the children, teach the children about good and bad, make the children sit near them and teach them, take the children out for a walk, etc. The more time you spend with your children, the more you will get to know your children and know the behavior of children. You will also be able to know the good and bad habits of children very well. The result will be that the child will love you very much and will obey everything you say, will never do any wrong, before doing any wrong, he will think twice that if the father comes to know, it will be very bad. Thus The fear of the father will always remain in the child's mind and will never adopt evil there. If you fulfill the duty of a good father, then your wife will also feel very proud of you and your relationship will become stronger.
Before becoming a good husband, being a good father has the following advantages:
- If you become a good father then you will be called a good and ideal husband
- will get respect from wife
- Husband wife relationship will be stronger
- Selfless love between husband and wife will increase
6. Respect wife's likes and dislikes
Each wife also has her own likes and dislikes. If the wife does not want to do any work then do not force her. If she is refusing to go anywhere then do not force her. If If you do not want to do any work then please do not force it and if the wife does not want to have a physical relationship then never force it at all. If you respect her wishes and dislikes then she will feel safe with you and His love for you will increase selflessly which will strengthen your relationship and you become a good husband.
If you respect your wife's likes or dislikes, you will get the following benefits
- Husband wife will give importance to their relationship
- Husband wife will never let each other down
- There will never be a fight between husband and wife
- Husband wife will give importance to each other's happiness
- If husband and wife respect each other's likes and dislikes, then they will be called a good and ideal husband and wife.
7. Always take care of wife's needs
There are many such needs of a wife which she discusses only with her husband. She also takes the help of husband to buy her personal items. So if you want to be a good and better husband then you have to take care of your wife. The needs have to be taken care of. A husband should be well aware of all these things.
8. win the trust and confidence of the wife
Trust are very important in any relationship. Any relationship rests on trust.If there is no trust in a relationship, then that relationship is very weak. In the same way, trust and trust are very important in the relationship between husband and wife. Trust and trust makes every relationship very strong. So if you want to be a good and better husband then you have to win your wife's trust and trust and do only such work in your married life which will make your wife trust you blindly. And can trust. On a good and ideal husband, any wife trusts and trusts more than herself. So make your wife believe that she can trust you. And her trust will never be broken. Always tell the truth to your wife and make her feel safe.
9. Never forget important days related to your relationship
If you want to be a good husband, then you have to pay special attention that you should always never forget the important days related to your relationship like your wife's birthday, anniversary, date of matchmaking, children Birthday, wife's age, if wife works then her joining date etc. Never forget important days related to your relationship and make your wife feel special by giving surprise gift to your wife on arrival of these important days. If you do this, then your wife will love you very much and will also respect you, which will strengthen the bond between you two.
10. become supportive
In a good and better husband, it is very important to have the quality of a helper or associate. Helper or associate does not mean that you only help or support the wife financially. Here the helper or associate means other aspects as well. It is like wife's decision, wife's opinion, what to do in future in wife's life, whether wife wants to do job or want to do some business etc. In all these aspects also wife wants only support from her husband. So husband's It is the duty to support the wife. If the husband supports the wife, then the wife respects her husband a lot and their relationship becomes stronger. Do it in my own right. Never support the wife's wrong decision. If the wife is taking such a decision which is not in her interest, then it is the duty of the husband that he should not support the wife in that decision at all and explain to the wife and Give proper guidance.
11. Help wife with small household chores or task and work
Normally every husband is doing job or business and when he comes home after doing job or business, he pretends that he is very tired and will only take rest. Do not do any household work and do not take interest in doing any work. The wife has to do all the household work. The husband does not do any household work, it is not a sign of an ideal and good husband You should always remember that the vehicle of marriage or the household is driven by only two wheels. Husband and wife are like two wheels. If you want to be a perfect and good husband then you have to try that you should help your wife in small household chores. Whenever you get time, help your wife in small household chores like cooking , chopping vegetables, washing dishes or any such work by which you can help your wife.
12. Develop in yourself the feelings of sacrifice
If you want to be a good husband after marriage then you have to develop the spirit of sacrifice and sacrifice in yourself. Because every man also has some bad habits like intoxication, smoking, drinking alcohol etc. All these bad habits make your wife angry or feel bad and she tells you to leave these bad habits, then to become a good husband you have to give up all these bad habits. If renunciation inside a husband And if there is a quality of sacrifice, then your relationship will be very strong and the love between husband and wife will also increase.
13. Husband keep your nature kind and humble
The nature of the male class is always seen to be of harsh nature. Even if a man is humble from inside, but while taking some decisions, he makes his nature hard, and if any of your decisions hurts or hurts your wife, then she will feel very sad and helpless due to this harsh nature of yours. Mostly seen It is that many times in married life, many mistakes happen to wives, and if you find these mistakes bad, then at that time your nature will become harsh and you will start talking rudely to your wife in displeasure. Therefore, if you want to be a good husband, then under any circumstances keep your behavior or nature kind and gentle towards the wife. If your wife does any mistake then do not get angry. Instead of getting angry, explain with the wife by keeping a kind nature and in a humble way.
14. never abuse your wife
In today's time, it has been mostly seen that there are fights between husband and wife in their neighborhood or neighborhood, and in that fight, the husband has also been seen insulting and beating the wife, which is not quite right.
It is a very bad thing to beat up the wife. Beating and insulting the wife are not the qualities of a good and ideal husband. Husband and wife should always live in love and treat each other decently. If you want to be a good and ideal husband then you should never misbehave with your wife. Always treat wife decently.
15. Don't compare your wife to any other woman
In today's modern times, today's male class has started comparing his wife to other women. He compares his wife to other women in front of his wife. For example, the male class is told how many women of his neighborhood are. She is beautiful, how well she wears clothes, and how much she cares for her husband, etc. By using such words, he compares his wife to any other women, which is not quite right. If you are comparing with another woman, then it hurts your wife's honor, you are insulting or humiliating her, degrading her. The result of all these things is that in your relationship Respect for each other starts decreasing and with time your relationship becomes weak. So if you want to be an ideal and good husband then you should always remember not to compare your wife with any other woman.
16. take care of your wife
In every relationship in the family, each other is cared for. In the same way, husband and wife should also take care of their relationship. It is the duty and responsibility of a good husband to take care of his wife. Take care of your wife throughout your life, take care of the happiness and sorrow of the wife, if the wife is unwell If so, take the wife to the doctor for treatment, take great care during the period of the wife because menstruation is a normal natural biological process. The wife suffers a lot during the epidemic and she cannot tell this pain to anyone. Therefore, it is the duty of the husband to take special care or care of the wife during menstruation. Because if proper care is not taken at the time of menstruation, apart from infection, there is a possibility or danger of many harmful diseases related to uterus and genital part. Can increase. Provide sanitary pads to the wife. Give enough food to the wife. Drink plenty of water. Get more rest.
17. Take care of wife's parents too
The way you take care of your parents. In the same way it is very important to take care of the parents of the wife. There will be mental tension. Therefore it is very important to take care of the wife's parents too. If she is unhappy for some reason, then try to remove her sorrows. Respect the wife's parents if you respect your own mother. If you respect and take care of the father, then you will be called a good ideal and sensible husband in the eyes of the wife and the love of your husband and wife will increase selflessly.
18. Always be protective of your wife
If you want to be a good husband then you have to be protective of your wife. If at any point of life if any person or family member insults or mocks or degrades your wife in front of you or insults her or uses abusive words or hurts the honor of the wife, then you have to protect your wife as an ideal and good husband at the same time, you will have to protect the honor of your wife and the person who Or give a final warning to any member of your family who is insulting your wife that I will not tolerate such behavior towards my wife at all. When you protect your wife's honor and respect, you become an ideal and good husband in the eyes of your wife and your relationship becomes very strong.
19. always praise wife
As you know that after getting married, the wife accepts everything for her husband, and sacrifices all her happiness for her in-laws. The wife does all those things so that the family gets only and only happiness. She gives importance to the happiness of the family before her own happiness. When a wife can do so much for her husband and family, then the husband's It is also the duty that he should also do something for his wife. If you want to be a good husband, then you should always praise your wife for whatever work she does. Everyone likes to be praised. Praise the beauty of the wife and do not forget to praise the clothes worn by the wife, when you start praising like this, you will see a different happiness on your wife's face and selfless love will increase between you both. And your relationship will be strong forever.
20.Take out time to take your wife for a walk
As you all know that a wife devotes her full time to take care of her husband and husband's family. She is not able to rest in peace.
She gives importance to the happiness of the family first than her own happiness. When a wife If you are doing so much for your family, then it is also the duty of the husband to take care of his wife. If you want to be a good husband, then first of all you have to take time for your wife.
21. Husband should have the quality of honesty
Honesty is very important in any relationship. Any relationship is based on honesty. If there is no honesty in the relationship, then no relationship can last for long. Similarly, in the relationship of husband wife also towards each other. It is very important to be honest. If you want to be a good husband then you have to always be honest towards your wife. Trust that you will always be honest with them and will never lie.
22. Accept your wife's shortcomings and focus on her strengths
As you all know that no person in this world is everyone. Everyone has some or the other shortcomings. If you want to be a good husband, then first of all accept the shortcomings in your wife and focus on her strengths and you think that you can overcome the shortcomings in your wife. It is your duty that you support your wife in removing her shortcomings. But suppose there are some shortcomings which can never be overcome then as a good and ideal husband you have to accept those shortcomings and focus on the good in your wife. If you do this So the bond between you two will be very strong and selfless love will grow in both of you.
23. Don't make wife unnecessarily, don't lift or joke too much
Every person has a nature in which there is a circle of all things and things. Somebody gets irritated more then some get irritated by provocation or some don't like to joke too much. So if you are a good and ideal If you want to become a good husband, first of all you have to understand the nature of your wife. You have to understand her behavior, understand her thinking and thoughts. If you are provoking or feeling bad for joking beyond the limit, then understand the nature of the wife at that time and do not joke more with her or never lift or offer anything because without provocation or by offering or unnecessarily Joking only creates bitterness in the relationship between husband and wife and hurts the heart of the wife.
24. try to understand your wife
It is true that it is very difficult to understand any woman. But if you spend the amount of time with your wife, then you will be able to understand your wife better, such as the wife's thinking, her thoughts, her nature,Their behavior, their habits etc. Marriage is a relationship which depends on mutual understanding. So if you want to be a good and ideal husband then try your best to learn and understand your wife.
25. Always talk to wife with love and courtesy
In married life, no matter what the circumstances, but even in those circumstances, one should always talk to his wife with love and decency. Everyone likes to live and talk with love in a relationship. And if we talk politely, there will never be a fight between them and their family will run very well. So if you want to be a better husband then always talk to your wife with love and decency.
26. husband make your personality civilized
In today's modern times, everyone is behaving indecently with each other. Today's man is becoming uncivilized from civilized and the effect of this uncivilized behavior is also on the relationship. The use of abusive words in uncivilized behavior, hurting the honor of the wife, insulting the wife, etc. When the husband behaves rudely towards the wife, the result is that you fall in the eyes of the wife and Wife does not respect her husband. If you want to be a good and husband then first of all you have to improve your conduct and become a decent person. To become a decent person you have to follow decent behavior. You will not have to use abusive words at all while talking. Do not say any such abusive words that will insult your wife and harm her honor. In civilized behavior, not only good behavior comes, but all things related to the personality of the person like behavior (decent and uncivilized), habits (good or bad habits), cleanliness, cleanliness etc. Mostly it has been seen that whenever there is a quarrel between husband and wife, the main reason is cleanliness, habits, behavior etc. Therefore, make your personality civilized, keep yourself clean and keep the house clean too. How to talk to others, learned to behave decently with others, in any relationship, civility and etiquette are of great importance.
27. If you have made any mistake then definitely apologize to your wife.
If you have made any kind of mistake then you must apologize to your wife. Apologizing does not make any person small. Not apologizing for your mistake is not a quality of a good and ideal husband. If you do not apologize for the mistake, then the result will be that there may be a situation of dispute or fight between the two of you and there may be bitterness in your relationship. So if you want to be a good husband then it will always be there in future. Remember that if you do any mistake then first apologize to your wife and rectify your mistake. By apologizing, your wife will definitely forgive you and will always love you selflessly.
28. Give priority to wife's opinion
In today's modern times it has been seen that whenever any major decision has been taken or taken by the husband, then no opinion of the wife is taken in that decision and if the husband is asked whether your wife is involved in this decision. What is the opinion of the husband, at that time it is said by the husband that to take the opinion of the wife, the wife is capable of giving her opinion. When a husband does not want to take any kind of opinion of his wife, then such a husband cannot be called a good and ideal husband.
Because such husbands do not give importance to the wife in their relationship, as a result of which husband wife The relationship that happens between them becomes weak and the sense of respect also decreases. So if you want to be a good and ideal husband, then first of all you have to promise yourself that whenever you take any decision in it. Will definitely include your wife's opinion and opinion. If you do this then your wife will realize that you value her too and the bond between you two will be very strong.
29. never cheat on your wife
Mostly it has been seen that as time passes after marriage, the love between husband and wife decreases and what is the result is that some men start getting attracted towards other women and with those other women. They make a relationship, which has a bad effect on their married life and the relationship of husband and wife becomes weak. And there comes a time that both of them get separated after divorcing each other. So be it husband or wife. This rule applies to both of them that they should never cheat or think of cheating each other. There is no shortage in me. The life partner that you have got is by the will of God. After getting married, if you see any kind of deficiency in your wife, then you fill it, remove her deficiency. In the world Everything is possible, make your spouse the way you want to be, the way you want to see it, then you yourself see that you have no one other than your wife. Woman will not look good and you will not be attracted to any other woman. Dress your wife in nice beautiful clothes, provide expensive fashion makeup kit and then see your attraction will be only for your wife so if you want to be a good husband .If you want to become, then never cheat on your wife.
30. Make time for your wife
If you want to be a good and ideal husband, then take maximum time for your wife. After coming from job or business, take out time for wife at home and talk to her. Spend some time with wife. The more you spend with the wife, the deeper the love between you will become and your relationship will be stronger. By not giving time to the wife, the result is that the relationship between husband and wife weakens with time. And this question always comes in the mind of the wife that my husband has no time for me.
31. keep calm don't get angry
Sometimes some situations come such that due to some reason a dispute arises between husband and wife and husband and wife start fighting with each other. In such a situation, if you want to be a good and husband, then yourself. Keep calm and do not let anger come in you at all. A husband should have the skill to keep himself calm and if the wife is angry on something, then at that time do not give much importance to that matter and remain calm Patience and restraint are the qualities of a good husband.
32. solve problems by talking to each other
After marriage, many responsibilities come on the husband and wife, as a result of which many types of problems also arise, or when problems arise even after taking some important decisions for the family. -Wife should try to solve any problem by talking to each other. Problem can be solved by talking to each other. So if you want to be a good husband then you should talk to your wife by talking to her. Try to solve the problem. By talking to each other, the quality of mutual understanding increases between husband and wife and the relationship between both of them is strengthened, due to which the situation of dispute never arises.
33. keep yourself physically fit
If you want to become a good and ideal husband, then first of all you have to keep yourself physically fit. After marriage, the responsibility of any man increases and the physical fitness which was earlier decreases. Because the male class does not take care of itself at all due to the responsibility of the husband. Therefore, after marriage, a husband has to understand that he has to be physically fit, eat food on time, sleep on time, do not take much stress And always be happy. Do not eat the things that the wife is forbidding you to eat, because your wife is worried about your health and she asks only for your good. If you make yourself physically fit If you keep it, your wife will get a lot of happiness.
34. Respect wife's religious beliefs
In today's modern times, it has been seen that today's male class does not show their interest towards religious beliefs and is not so serious about religious beliefs. Women are also interested, from fasting to worship and other religious programs, women participate actively.
If religious beliefs are compared to your wife, then it may be that your wife also believes in religious beliefs or exaggerates. In such a situation, if you want to become a good husband, then you have to respect the religious beliefs of your wife and she will never have to obstruct or obstruct her in organizing fast, worship and religious programs. You will have to take full care of respecting your wife's religious beliefs. She will have to give religious freedom to fulfill religious beliefs.
35. Be a good person before being a good husband
If any man wants to be a good and ideal husband, then first of all he has to become a good person. Because a good man is never selfish. He always thinks about the good of everyone, thinks only about everyone's happiness, Never makes anyone sad. A good person always gives priority to the happiness of others before his own. It is the human being who cares about the feelings of others and always thinks about the good of everyone. Therefore, before becoming a good and ideal husband, it is necessary for any man to become a good and ideal person. When you first become a good and ideal person If you become, then the qualities of a good and ideal husband will come in you and your wife will always respect you.
36. Make your wife feel special whenever you get a chance
Whenever a girl comes to her in-laws' house after marriage, she spends all her time in taking care of the family. Taking care of family members and busy with household chores, gives importance to the happiness of the family first.
37. Express the love you have for your wife
Yes, love cannot be expressed in words, but it is very important to express that love. Your life partner is very precious in life, but you get it only by luck. That's why everyone realizes how much you love your wife. Make the moment feel your heart feelings through love letter or through poetry or shayari or through mobile message chat make your love to your wife. The result will be that newness will come in your relationship and your wife will get good And the attraction between the two of you will also increase and you will be stronger.
38. Surprise to keep your wife happy
Mostly in today's time or it has been seen that no husband of today's era gives surprise to his wife. Nor does he think of giving surprise. He only remains busy in his work. This is a good and ideal Husband's qualities are not there. So if you want to be a good and ideal husband then you should always try to keep your wife happy and giving surprise is a very good medium to make your wife happy.
Meaning of giving surprise It is not that only give surprise or gift to your wife on certain days. Every husband should give surprise to his wife whenever she gets time to make her feel surprised. If you give her surprise from time to time then your wife Will love you very much and will always be happy with you. The result will be that the love in your relationship will be very strong. Surprise is something that can make your wife happy. You can surprise your wife in the following way.
- Whenever you get a chance, any gift which is according to your wife's choice, gift them as a surprise.
- You can also surprise your wife by ordering a gift through online shopping.
- By taking out time, you can surprise your wife by planning a surprise dinner.
- You can make a surprise plan to go out somewhere
- By taking time out, you can surprise them by making food with your own hands.
39. listen carefully to the words of the wife
In the present time, no person has absolutely no time to listen to the words of others. All the people get very busy in their daily work. As a result, they have absolutely no time to listen to the talk of others or any family member. There is no time. Everyone wants to say something or the other but no one has time to listen.
To be a good husband, first of all take time for your wife and be a good and ideal listener. What your wife is saying, listen to her calmly, know her thoughts, know her thinking, what does the wife like Know carefully what is not like. If your wife shares something with you, then give importance and priority to her words. Do not ignore the words of the wife at all. Will do things and your relationship will be stronger.
40.never judge wife
A good and ideal husband never judges his wife A good husband never judges his wife for any mistakes or shortcomings And if possible, try to remove those shortcomings as well.
41.Be a gentleman if your spouse wants you to be a gentleman.
If you want to be a good and ideal husband then first of all you have to be a gentleman. The thoughts of a gentleman are sweet and dear to all people. If your life partner is also the same kind of person, then it is the duty of a husband that he should also become a gentleman.
42.Be Decisive
If you want to be a good and ideal husband, then first of all you have to develop the quality of judgement in yourself. As you know a good man is decisive. He knows what he has to do. In which situation what decision to take should be the quality of decision making according to the situation. A good man considers his wife's opinion, values her own opinion and takes the right decisions for the family. Don't be the type of person who can't make decisions.
43.Be Polite or Chivalrous or Elegant or Decent or Courtesy
If you want to be a good husband then bring manners in yourself. Polite and Chivalrous or Elegant, Decent and Courtesy person is liked by all, even if it is wife, wife also wants to see a decent person as her husband. A husband should have the quality of Polite and Chivalrous or Elegant, Decent and Courtesy. If you have the quality of manners then your wife will love you selflessly which will result in stronger bond between husband and wife relationship.
- Good husband who answers when you call and texts back within minutes rather than days.
- Good husband that gives you clear cut answers and doesn’t leave you wondering where you stand.
- Good husband that wants to make you a part of his life rather than a chapter in his book.
- Good husband who doesn’t take years and years to figure out what he wants from you.
- Good husband who respects, celebrates and encourages your individuality, your education, your spirituality, and your growth.
- Good husband always remember wife's priority.
- Good husband who is genuinely interested in you and pursues you on a daily basis.
- Good husband who asks you to go to church/temple/worship place with his wife.
- Good husband that never let's you go to sleep at night wondering if you still matter.
- Good husband treats his mother. You can learn alot from how someone treats the person that brought them into this world.
- Good husband who protects you and stands up for you even when you're not around.
- Good husband who values you and who would never put themselves in a position to lose you.
- Good husband who will rather go hungry but to see you eat.
- Good husband who wakes up everyday looking for new ways to love you.
- Good husband treats his mother. You can learn alot from how someone treats the person that brought them into this world.
- Good husband who protects you and stands up for you even when you're not around.
- Good husband who values you and who would never put themselves in a position to lose you.
- Good husband who will rather go hungry but to see you eat.
- Good husband who wakes up everyday looking for new ways to love you.
- Good husband that understands it's not about giving you the world but making you feel like you're the only one in it.
Characteristics of a good husband
- Perseverance
- Generosity
- Responsibility
- Humility
- Honesty
- Good Communication skills
- Forgiveness
- Wisdom
- Fear of God
- Good manners
Responsibilities of a good husband and better husband
1. Study and Understand wife's to Know What Makes Her Tick.
2.Know wife's likes and dislikes
3. Know wife's Dreams,Aspirations and How You Can Help Him
4. Have A Life /Love Your Life and Make Her Want to Be A Part Of It
5. Be Yourself
6. Have Standards/Know What You Want
7. Be Interesting
8. Look Good
9. Self-Love
Frequently Ask Question ( FAQ)
Q.1 What are the qualities of a good husband?
ANS : qualities of a good husband are as follow
- Shares all important core values with you.
- emotionally mature.
- Accepts his faults.
- Manages conflicts well.
- reliable.
- Makes your relationship a priority.
- Appreciates your excellent and negative qualities.
- Takes care of you in big and small decisions.
Q.2. How should a husband treat his wife?
ANS :The article will also look at some things that a husband should never say to his wife.
- Help her with household chores or work and task.
- Pay attention to his needs and wants.
- Treat your wife with respect.
- Treat your wife like a queen.
- Express your love for him more often.
- Always ask for his opinion.
- Be polite to him.
- listen her carefully
Q.3.What is the duty of a husband towards his wife?
ANS : Your love for husband is reflected in your talking, caring, helping and other activities that you do every day. The easiest way to love your wife is to satisfy her emotionally. And you make him feel special, show your love in different ways. Let him go out and spend time together and sometimes give him surprise gifts
Q.4.How can I be a good and better husband?
ANS : To be a good and better husband, understand the value of your relationship and do little things that make your wife feel valued and loved. Be his best friend and respect his beliefs, thoughts, and ideas, even if you don't agree with them. Take care of her physical and emotional health and support her in every endeavor of her life. Be passionate, loyal and trustworthy towards him, and communicate your feelings and emotions openly and honestly with him.
Q.5.What is the most important quality or trait in a good husband?
ANS : There is no one characteristic or qualities that can make a man a good husband. Rather, a man needs many qualities like compassion, compromise, trust and indulgence in order to grow into a better partner for his better half.
Q.6.What is a man's role in a relationship?
ANS: A real man is completely committed to the relationship.He doesn't cheat. He is loyal to his partner and knows that it takes hard work to keep relationships strong and healthy. His affection for his lady is a full-time commitment. He nurtures and strengthens relationships through ongoing, honest communication and teamwork
Q.7.How to be a good and better husband in marriage life ?
ANS : If you want to be a good and better husband in marriage life Please follow these useful steps in your married life
- Talk about how you met.
- Speak their love language.
- Know your spouse's apology language.
- Take responsibility for what you can.
- Do not make assumptions.
- Forgive—sooner and often.
- Seek to understand, not to agree.
- Allow your spouse to have alone time.
- Take the load off.
- Work on your own individual issues.
- Take the lead.
- Schedule a weekly date
- Learn how to properly communicate to your partner.
- Affection.
- Independence.
- Leadership.
- Loyalty.
- Trust.
- Knowledge.
- Truthfulness.
- Appreciation.
- Patience.
- Persistence.
- Self-control.
- Understanding.
- Compassion.
- Forgiveness.
- Righteousness.
- Respect.
- Selflessness.
- Hopefulness.
- Faithfulness.
- Trustworthy
- Prioritises your relationship
- protect your wife.
- Love your wife unconditionally.
- Be patient with him.
- Fulfill his needs and desires.
- Treat him well.
- Spend time with wife.
- Respect the wife.
- Spend time with wife.
- Help wife in household chores or task or work.
Must Read : How To Resolve Conflict In A Relationship
Must Read : what makes marriage successful - Successful And Healthy Marriage
Today I have provided important information on the topic of "How to be a good husband ? "Through this article, you all will come to know that it is very important for every husband in this world to make his married life happy and to keep his wife happy always, first of all it is very important to be a good husband.Through this article,you all will came to know the tips to be a good husband,qualities of a Good husband ,responsibilities of a good husband and characteristics of a good husband are described in detail in this article,and I hope that this article provided by me will prove useful to you.
Rajendra Thakur