how to respect a woman in a relationship
Hello friends, I am Rajendra Thakur once again on, friends, the topic of today's article is "How to Respect a Woman in a Relationship", this topic is not only for the country of India but also for all countries of the world.For the right to respect for all women living in all countries of the world.
Today women are not being given the right to respect in the family. Through this article, how to provide the right of respect to the women in the family, there are 12 basic ways to respect women, Following are the 12 basic ways to make women capable women through which they can give right to respect to the women of their family. Let us study 12 basic ways to provide right to respect to women.
Respect a woman in a relationship
Man is a social animal, in every society the male category and the female category have equal rights, just as the male category expects that people should give him love, trust and respect, in the same way the female category also has the right and expects them too. Love, trust and respect should be gained, but in today's modern society these rights are being exploited.
In today's modern society, the element of respect given to women is being ignored. In today's modern times, women have got the feelings of love, trust and honesty by the men in any family, but even today there is a complete lack of respect for women only in the family, All the people believe that only love trust and honesty are the basis of successful relationship
between women and men, and this thinking is completely wrong. It is very important to have the element of respect with honesty, the element of respect is very important in any relationship. Any woman category has the right to have the right to love, trust and honesty as well as a sense of respect in their relationship.
The same answer comes from many men's that we respect the women of our family. Whether or not we will get the answer to this question easily. In the last 24 hours consider the following points to see if we are right or wrong
- cut off what women said
- Do not give priority to the opinion of women in any work
- Flirting with other women to make the woman feel jealous.
- If the woman asked your mobile phone password, then she made a big mistake of her life, after asking, only the woman knows what she has to hear.
Why should we respect women?
In ancient India, men and women were treated as equals and were given equal rights. "Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra deity." According to the words of Manusmriti:- Where the female caste is respected, their needs and expectations are fulfilled, the deities remain happy at that place, society and family.
12 Basic ways to respect a woman in a relationship
respect a woman in a relationship :- If the men want that we should respect the women of our family or provide the right to respect, then first of all they have to make the women of their family independent capable women and the following are 12 basic ways to make women independent capable women through which With this they can give the right to respect to the women of their family. Following are the 12 basic ways to provide the right to respect a woman in a relationship
- Listen carefully to the words of the woman.
- Value the opinion of the woman.
- Prioritize Women.
- Make Women Feel Safe.
- Help create an independent capable woman.
- Respect Each Other.
- Be Strength.
- Value his consent.
- Don't let the woman down.
- Be Honest With Women.
- Help employed women with household work or task.
- Respect the woman's family.
1. Listen carefully to the words of the woman
An effective way to treat any woman with respect is to be a good listener. This means to say that whatever is being said by the woman should be listened to carefully. During the conversation, the full attention of the men should be on the women. Hear the words of women. Women expect men to listen to them, but in today's modern times, men have become so busy in their daily work that they do not even have time to listen to women, this is one of the main reasons. Today she is deprived of the respect that a woman has the right to get in the family.
2. Value the opinion of the woman
In today's modern times, the opinion of women is not given importance by the male sections in any daily work in the family, even if she gives her opinion in any work, they are ignored. So how can we say that we are respecting the women in the family. When we are taking whatever decision we are taking in our daily work, the opinion given by women has no place. If we and you want that women should be fully respected in the family, then there is a need to give importance to the opinion given by women. Women should feel honored by giving importance to the opinion given by women in small and big daily tasks. It's not just big things or major life decisions on which you need to give importance to a woman's opinion. Paying attention to what she says or wants and even small, everyday needs can be expressions of respect for a woman. To respect the woman in your home or family, to value her opinion making a conscious effort to, which will naturally turn into a habit
3. Prioritize Women
To respect your girlfriend or spouse, you need to make them a priority. In today's modern times, men have forgotten to give priority to women, that is to say, men have become so busy in their daily work that they do not have enough time to give some moments of time to women. Can you Today's modern man has time to sit for hours with his friends and classmates. But there is no time to sit with his life partner, that is the reason why men are not giving priority to women in the family. If women get equal priority in the family, then they will get the right to respect, as a result of which the relationship will become stronger.
4. Make Women Feel Safe
If you want to give respect to the women in the family, then you have to first make them feel emotionally and physically safe with you. gets lost. So you should do your best to make him feel emotionally and physically safe with you. When you make her feel secure, you will start giving more importance to the relationship and will start doing everything possible to make it a success. As a result of which the woman will start getting the right to respect in her family relationship.
5. Help create an independent capable woman
As we all know that our country is a male dominated country where men have the right to protect the women of their family. The male plays the role of a guardian in his family. But this perception has to be changed now because today we are living in the modern era where it is thought that protecting women will give them respect, then this notion is wrong. In today's modern era, women can protect themselves. They don't require any protective shield or bodyguards. It is the duty of men to enable all the women in their family to let them protect themselves. Let any problems be solved by themselves. Let any women fight their battles on their own. And men just let them know that you are with them every step of the way in any of their fights or problems. Treat the women of your family only as an independent capable woman and help them to become an independent capable woman. If every man in the society cooperates in making every woman in his family an independent capable woman, then all women will get respect.
6. Respect Each Other
For a happy married life, it is very important for the relationship to respect each other. The relationship of marriage is run by equal participation of both and no one is less or more important in this. That's why you should respect your partner as much as you deserve. You should respect your partner's work and their efforts. This will help both of them to grow together as a strong family. And that's how women get the right to respect
7. Be Strength
Husband and wife are like the foundation of the house .Therefore, if the foundation itself is shaken, then the family can never survive. At the same time, sometimes there are ups and downs in life. In such a situation, husband and wife should support each other and give strength to each other, so that human beings can deal with other problems. If one of the husband and wife does not take the decisions of the other person seriously, then it starts weakening the relationship. Therefore, be courageous, not your partner's weakness in difficult times. If you do this then women will get the right to respect
8. Value his consent
Whether a woman is a girlfriend or a wife, to respect her, her consent has to be valued and respected. Don't force it. The work can be any or there can be a physical relation, if the woman does not have consent, then do not force it.The easiest way to treat any woman with respect is to learn to accept no to your partner's answer without getting angry. When you do, his respect for you will increase manifold.
9. Don't let the woman down
When we spend more time with women in our family relationships, over time we start to see some flaws and shortcomings in them and understand these flaws and shortcomings as their weakness and start calling women bad and bad. Which is very wrong. Any woman should give priority to us as a partner, lovingly accepting all the good and bad aspects of her personality. If you consider women completely because of their shortcomings and flaws You should never use them to humiliate or humiliate you. Women are humiliated or not treated in general stores as a result of loss of respect in those marriages or relationships. If you want to respect the women of your family, then it is important that you accept your partner as he is. Instead of finding faults in your partner, learn to love their strengths. Every human has a different personality. In such a situation, do not try to change your partner unnecessarily. Doing this can sour your relationship and it can also break the morale of your partner.
10. Be Honest With Women
It is very important to be loyal to each other. Many times, due to some estrangement or due to other reasons, people end up infidelity with their partner, which can have serious consequences for them later. By doing this, you can not only lose your respect in the eyes of your partner, but in many cases it can also break your relationship. Therefore, honesty is essential in a relationship. If you want to respect what your family means then be loyal and honest to them. If you are wondering how to respect the woman you love, be completely honest with her and make sure that She knows you are honest.
11. Help employed women with household work or task
If your wife does a government or private job and takes care of her house along with doing the job, she also takes care of the family, then it is the duty of the husband to tell the hand of his wife in the household work or task for that work. Help her in doing this, you will give your wife the right of respect. For married life, it is necessary to support the partner at every step. Whenever you have time, do share in each other's work, even if it is small household work or task. If your wife is cooking, you can help her wash the dishes. Doing this will not only increase the respect for you in the mind of your partner, but at the same time it will make the mutual coordination between both of you better.
12. Respect the woman's family
Whether it is a boy or a girl, no one likes to hear uncomplicated things about their family. Nowadays, the quarrel between husband and wife is mostly about this thing, either the wife does not behave well with her husband's family or the husband keeps talking about his in-laws. Both of you should think that like your parents, your family is the same way others' family. After all, he is also a human being. This is such a point that puts a good marriage on the verge of breaking up. Respect each other's family to prolong the marriage successfully. If you will respect the family of the woman, as a result of which the woman will get respect.
Rajendra Thakur